2010 is the year of the Tiger according to the Chinese Zodiac. There are 12 different animals that make up the 12-year cycle. In the ancient time, Chinese people used these signs to help them keep track with time. However, the cat never made it as one of the Zodiac signs. Here is how the legend goes:
One day 13 different animals gathered to race for a spot as one of the 12 Chinese Zodiac signs. While the race was heated, the rat got into a fight with the cat when they were trying to cross a rapid river, causing the cat to fall to last place during the race. Eventually the cat lost his race and failed to become one of the 12 zodiac signs. He vowed to be a natural enemy of the rat for the ages that come.
(Play the video to watch the Chinese Zodiac Race)
There is another version of the story - the Rat was inviting all animals to a banquet hosted by the Jade Emperor, but he tricked the cat into believing that the feast was arranged the next day. The cat overslept the entire event and lost his spot as one of the 12 zodiac signs.