3-week-old Kitten Walks Up to Boy in Distress and Becomes His Guardian Angel... (with Updates)

3-week-old Kitten Walks Up to Boy in Distress and Becomes His Guardian Angel... (with Updates)


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A tiny 3-week-old foster kitten walked up to a 7-year-old boy and became his guardian angel for life.

Courtesy: Selena Ann-rose

Selena and her family foster mother cats with kittens, and the rules are they are not to keep any so they can continue fostering more animals in need.

But when a 3-week-old kitten walked up to their son and gave him the biggest smile when he was in distress, they knew they had to be together.

"I have a son who suffers from high anxiety and mood disorder," Selena told Love Meow. One of the kittens they were fostering at the time decided she would become his little guardian angel.

Courtesy: Selena Ann-rose

Jonhathon was 7 years old at the time when he was having an anxiety panic moment. "The smallest out of the seven kittens walked right up to him and climbed on him right away," Selena told Love Meow.

"He stopped in his tracks and got the biggest smile on his face."

Courtesy: Selena Ann-rose

The tiny kitten, Zenawell, could hardly walk, but she was able to bring so much comfort to the little boy.

"That day Zenawell never left his sight, and when he is scared she is right there meowing at him climbing on him and clinging to dear life to him."

Courtesy: Selena Ann-rose

"He has some anxiety problems but you give him his kitten and you see a different child. She is my therapy kitten for him.

"My son now has a friend for life and also his anxiety is hardly there."

Zena has helped him through his hard times and is his closest friend. The rules went out the window when they saw their bond.

"One day he was very sick and she sat with him all day."

Courtesy: Selena Ann-rose

"She brings out the best in him and now when he cries she runs up against him or starts paw patting his leg, thats when they wrap themselves around but she never uses claws," Selena told Love Meow.

"Zena is all grown up and still knows how to comfort my son and other cats."

Courtesy: Selena Ann-rose

"She will do anything to stop him from crying and she is not scared of him when he gets anxious. She gets right in there and do what she can to stop him.

"She is my little savior and we are so lucky to have her."

Courtesy: Selena Ann-rose

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