4 Kittens Found In Cardboard Box Near Dumpster, Now Safe!

4 Kittens Found In Cardboard Box Near Dumpster, Now Safe!


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Four kittens were found in a small cardboard box in a dumpster near a local business. "A local businessman went to throw some things out when he discovered this box," said PrinceAlbert SPCA.

"Right now they’re in good condition,” Prince Albert SPCA assistant manager Leanne Roberts said. “They haven’t been away from their mom for too long. We did try to feed them when they first came in, but they weren’t too terribly interested in eating, but they’re getting interested now."

They have sent a cat trap to the location in the hopes to find the cat mom. "They are maybe 2 weeks old and will not survive unless we can either get the mom or we can place them in foster homes."

4 tiny kittens found in a sealed box from a dumpster

Safe  now

Source: paherald.sk.ca, panow, Prince Albert SPCA.

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