orphaned kitten bruno saved by kitten lady

Orphaned Baby was So Tiny They Didn't Know He Would Survive, A Week Later..


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A 5-day-old orphaned kitten was so tiny that they didn't know if he could survive. A kitten lady took him in and saved his life. The difference it makes in just one week!

Meet Bruno the kitten!

orphaned kitten bruno saved by kitten ladyCourtesy of Hannah Shaw at Kitten Lady

"At just five days of age, Bruno was seized from a large cruelty case in Washington DC. Washington Humane Society's animal control team diligently stepped in and saved multiple animals from the scene, but poor Bruno was the smallest and most vulnerable of the animals seized -- so small that his eyes weren't even open yet. With no mom present, he needed specialized help...and fast," Hannah Shaw of Kitten Lady, told Love Meow.

More info on Kitten Lady (Washington DC) | Instagram @KittenxLady | Facebook | YouTube

Shaw, an experienced foster for newborn kittens and the founder of Kitten Lady, a 501c3 nonprofit organization that protects kittens through rescue and advocacy, quickly stepped in and saved the little fur buddy's life.

orphaned kitten bruno saved by kitten ladyCourtesy of Hannah Shaw at Kitten Lady

When they found little Bruno, his eyes were still shut and his umbilical cord was still attached.

"He was covered in cysts -- likely due to being found in unsanitary conditions. He had to be shaved down and treated with antibiotics. He was struggling to eat from a bottle, and was not looking good. The shelter called me right away asking for assistance and I immediately ran over to help," Shaw added.

Learning to eat from a syringe.

orphaned kitten bruno saved by kitten ladyCourtesy of Hannah Shaw at Kitten Lady

"You never know how kittens are going to do when they're orphaned this young, and when I arrived we were not sure he would make it very long.

"Fortunately I was able to get him to eat formula out of a syringe right away, and before long he was starting to gain some strength," Shaw told Love Meow.

orphaned kitten bruno saved by kitten ladyCourtesy of Hannah Shaw at Kitten Lady

Little Bruno got a meowstache after a meal.

orphaned kitten bruno saved by kitten ladyCourtesy of Hannah Shaw at Kitten Lady

"Orphaned neonatal kittens need specialized, around-the-clock care -- because they have no mom, you have to take on all the tasks a mother would usually be responsible for.

"Every 3 hours, I warm up a bottle of kitten formula and carefully feed him. He then has to be stimulated to go to the bathroom, which involves rubbing him gently with an absorbent cloth until he has peed and pooped (this mimics a mother's licking.) Finally, I wipe him up with a fragrance free baby wipe to make sure he is fresh and clean," Shaw told Love Meow.

orphaned kitten bruno saved by kitten ladyCourtesy of Hannah Shaw at Kitten Lady

"Aside from eating, going to the bathroom, and being kept clean, Bruno mostly sleeps for the first two to three weeks of life. Bruno sleeps snuggled up in a soft baby blanket in a carrier, with a portable heating pad (called a 'snugglesafe') to keep him at a safe body temperature. Because Bruno requires such frequent care, he travels along with me in a special carrier," Shaw added.

orphaned kitten bruno saved by kitten ladyCourtesy of Hannah Shaw at Kitten Lady

This is him taking his first steps a week after he came to Kitten Lady.

"After about a week of treatment, his lumps went away completely...so now he just has the funny haircut to show for it.

"Now that Bruno is three weeks old, he's learning to walk and becoming very curious about the world around him," Shaw said.

Bruno has gotten so much bigger and stronger in 2 weeks!

orphaned kitten bruno saved by kitten ladyCourtesy of Hannah Shaw at Kitten Lady

He's become a new kitten!

"Bruno couldn't possibly be better! He is a real picture of health -- doughy eyed and constantly purring!

"Fortunately for him, the world around him is a much safer place now that he is with Kitten Lady!"

Share this story and help Bruno find his forever loving home. You can support their rescue efforts by visiting Kitten Lady here.

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