A litter of four kittens were just a few days old when they were found in a cardboard box discarded on the road.

A Good Samaritan from Sydney, Australia, heard some kitten cries and discovered the kittens with a saucer of milk next to them. They were huddled up together to keep each other warm.
The kind lady that saved them, was able to feed them for a few days until a foster carer of CatRescue 901, Kimberley Reid, took them in and got them the help they needed.
Kimberley, a Veterinary Nurse at Small Animal Specialist Hospital, got the kittens on a kitten milk replacer, and the little ones started eating like champs, putting on weight and gaining strength.
When they were six weeks old, one of the kittens, Khepri, had a terrible reaction to a medication and became very ill. Kimberley immediately gave the kitten fluids and rushed him to the hospital.
Upon arrival, the prognosis was grim and the vet didn't think the kitten would make it through the night. "He was hospitalized in the hope of survival but I said my goodbyes not expecting him to pull through," Kimberley told Love Meow.
The next day, when she came to the hospital, she was surprised to see a lively little ginger greet her at her arrival.
"To our amazement, he made it through and was crying and jumping at the cage door to see me when I went in the next morning. He defied everyone's expectations. " Kimberley told Love Meow.
Khepri used a couple of his nine lives and was reunited with his siblings. The four kittens were whole again. He snuggled up to them and couldn't stop cuddling.
"We call him our miracle man. Since then everyone has grown well and are big healthy happy babies who love nothing more than cuddling up with each other."
"Khepri now takes each day with an apparent new zest for life and is brimming with personality and love to give. He needs to be cuddling one of his siblings to fall asleep," Kimberley told Love Meow.
A few months later... some things never change.
From the beginning, they were stuck together, keeping each other alive.
Now the four feline siblings have grown by leaps and bounds and are closer than ever.
Cuddling while dreaming about their forever homes.
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Related story: Kittens Found Wrapped Around Their Trembling Sister, Keeping Her Safe