Two calico kittens were found together near the side of the road. They have been inseparable ever since.

Sparkle Cat Rescue, an all-volunteer rescue in North Carolina, was contacted about two tiny kittens that were less than 24 hours old. "They were found together without a mom, near the side of the road," Sarah Kelly, a foster volunteer of the rescue, told Love Meow.
The kittens were in desperate need of rescue and specialized care. Sparkle Cat Rescue sprang into action and had a volunteer safely transport them across the state to their foster home in North Carolina.
"These calico sisters were facing quite the uphill climb having never been with their mom and being so small and frail."
Sarah started around the clock bottle feedings for the palmed-sized babies. They quickly settled in their cozy incubator (which helped regulate their body temperatures) and fell right to sleep after getting a full belly.
"We went with names, Soleil and Luna, that mean sun and moon because of their opposite light/dark face markings."
From the start, the two sisters clung to each other like two peas in a pod. No one knows how they ended up outside without a mom, but the little fighters pulled through by keeping each other going until help arrived.
Luna couldn't open one of her eyes due to an infection and needed extra TLC. Her sister never left her side, providing comfort throughout her recovery.
"Their bond is so special. After Luna battled a serious eye infection at just one week old, we knew how special it was because of how protective and comforting Soleil was of her sister," Sarah shared with Love Meow.
"She always slept on top of her or with a paw on her. Soleil who is truly happy and cheery, was very protective and watchful that week. They are so sweet and love each other so much!"
With her sister constantly keeping her company, Luna healed quickly. Her eye cleared up and started to open.
She was finally able to see the world and her sister with both eyes.
Watch the calico sisters in this cute video:
"Little Soleil is as sunny, happy, and positive as her namesake. She is a motor machine and purrs constantly. She loves rolling on her back for all the belly rubs and kisses. She's constantly cheerfully making biscuits and always making us smile," Sarah said.
This little sunshine has been the cheerleader for Luna. She is always in good spirits and curious about everything around her.
"Miss Luna is also aptly named, as she is reserved and quiet. She's stoically strong, resilient, and beautiful. We love her little sliver of gold 'moon' marking on her face. She's so sweet, sassy and absolutely charming."
When the kittens were ready to venture out of their nest and learn to walk, they moved into their very own playpen. Soleil put her paw on her sister, looking out for her.
The bonded pair was so excited to explore their new digs. They were waddling around the area, checking out every nook and cranny. If they were not within eyeshot, they would immediately seek each other out.
Soleil continues to shower her sister with cuddles every day. She will wrap her arms around Luna when they nap and bear-hug her sister whenever she gets a chance.
Even when they wrestle and play, Soleil always finds ways to hold Luna.
The two best friends are getting more playful and starting to plot mischief around their playpen.
No matter what they do, they do it as a duo.
Sarah gave them a cuddly Teddy Bear to keep them company. The calico sisters immediately went up for a snuggle together.
At three weeks old, the kittens are thriving in foster care. They still have a lot of growing to do and many antics to make.
The bonded pair will never be apart as they continue their journey to their forever home.
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Related story: Kitten Found on Busy Road Climbs onto Rescuer's Shoulder and Her Life is Forever Changed