Meet Tinycat! This little buddy was so small that he was only 1/3 the size of a normal kitten.
Tinycat had trouble holding onto while suckling, so they started feeding him kitten formula around the clock. (More info on imgur)
Tinycat cuddling with Bigcat. They are at the same age, but what a difference in size!
"We send him on supervised exploration trips," said Yaga Dillon.
Tinycat was down with the flu. After a very, very hard night, the flu was very nearly gone.
"He finally recovered, but was down to 150 grams of weight. Before the illness, he had weighed 220 grams. ...a big part of the difference was a MASSIVE poop," Yaga said.
"A week later, he actually started growing and got playful! Tinycat can't really vocalize, and BC likes to play rough - and he IS 3 times as big as TC."
"Tinycat started to behave like a cat! Butt-wiggling, pouncing, stretching, arching his back." [Scroll down for video]
Those big eyes!
Tinycat wraps it around the straw to maximize the efficiency of sucking.
"All cat-sized toys are just too big for him. So we gave him a hair thingie while we think of something better."
The two best buddies growing up together!
Two months later! Still very tiny, but he's a bundle of energy!