Two years ago today, a young man found a tiny runt who needed a home. She latched onto his shoulder for weeks and never left him out her sight.
"Two years ago today I met my best friend."
"Callie was adopted from a woman who fostered kittens for the Danville SPCA in Pennsylvania. She was the runt of the litter. The weekend she came home my wife was away at work and Callie clung to me all weekend," Steven Williams told Love Meow.
The kitten was so tiny that she didn't get as much attention from her mom as her siblings did. When Williams put the little calico kitten in his arms, she nuzzled in and fell asleep. "I was her sleeping spot for weeks and she never left me out of her sight."
Callie before she was adopted.
"Every night I come home from work she knows it's time for her nap and takes her place on my lap."
She also likes to climb to his shoulder and curl up on his neck for a snooze.
"Just like all other cats she has a few special personality quirks. She prefers to drink from a glass. She usually has her own but anyone's will do," Williams told Love Meow.
"What we didn't expect was her to take a liking to the tub. Every time someone goes up stairs she hops in the tub and stares at the faucet until you turn it on so she can get a drink and clean her paws."
Callie enjoying her cat TV!
"She loves to explore soda boxes. And prefers her toys to be of the bunny variety.
"She carried around a white bunny since she's been a kitten and now has 2 peep bunnies from last Easter she has taken a liking too," Williams said.
Callie tries to help her dad with gift wrapping.
When daddy is home, Callie comes to greet him by rolling around on her back.
Two years after she found her forever human, Callie has grown into a gorgeous lady cat.
She's much bigger now, but one thing never changes. She loves nothing more than spending time with her best friend for life.
When a cat chooses you, it means forever!
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