newborn baby boy and tabby cat

Tabby Cat Guards His Baby Brother and Becomes His Cuddle Buddy for Life


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When the little baby boy found his furry best friend, he hugged and held onto him so dearly that nothing else mattered to him in this world.

newborn baby boy and tabby catPhoto: Dallas English

He has his best friend by his side. That little smile on his face is priceless.

Dallas E. and his family adopted Puma the cat almost 10 years ago. This big tabby was twice the size as Ace the baby, when he joined the family.

Ace adores his feline big brother and Puma loves him the same and lets him snuggle up to him whenever he needs a cuddle.

newborn baby boy and tabby catPhoto: Dallas English

Before Ace was born, Puma liked to nap on his very own couch by his humans' bed.

Photo: Dallas English

Now he naps with his baby brother and is his bodyguard for life!

Ace has caught up in size, and their love has also multiplied.

baby boy and tabby cat cuddling Photo: Dallas English

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