Barn Kitty Saved!

Barn Kitty Saved!


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He was saved from a barn, and he was a little feral who wouldn't go with the humans without a fight, but the little guy has come a long way.

"This poptart was the meanest little thing to ever be pulled out of a barn, switchblades drawn. He was also the only one of his litter of six to survive parvo and predator, but not without spending a week at the vet's office hooked up to the world's tiniest IV drip. He's now 8 months old and whines when I'm not where he can see me," said Jessica (source).

They named him "Sid Fishes". "For the first couple of months, he slept in my hair and woke me up trying to nurse on my ear. He's adjusted a bit and now sleeps at my feet, but still demands to be picked up and hugged whenever I come through the front door. We chase each other through the house until we both pant and he still fights dirty."

"Sid is a couple of months shy of two years now and just got his very own puppy to play with. He lives the happy life of a slightly chubby house cat and spends his days currently running mad dashes around my house with the puppy. Sometimes they even still let me play."


Photo and story by ©Jessica.


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