Brave Kitten Turns His Broken Jaw into Beautiful Smile

Brave Kitten Turns His Broken Jaw into Beautiful Smile


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A courageous kitten turned his broken jaw into a beautiful smile.

Meet Rupert the cat.

Blue Cross

When this tiny kitten was found abandoned in the doorway of a restaurant, he was in very bad shape. The kitten had an injured mouth and was just skin and bones, unable to eat due to his broken jaw.

The restaurant staff immediately took the little kitten to Fields Veterinary Group in Newport, South Wales (UK), for help.

The three-mouth-old kitten had to be fed through a tube at first, but he was such a champ. With tireless efforts from The Blue Cross, a UK animal rescue charity, and the vets, they were able to repair his jaw and even restore his meow.

Blue Cross

"The first 24 hours it was touch and go for Rupert but since his operation he has now doubled in size and has been a lot more alert and inquisitive," Hannah Wiltshire, Blue Cross Rehoming Manager said.

"He's been through so much and has such a strong soul," foster mom Kirsty Buckland of Fields Veterinary Group said. "He loves to watch TV and touch the screen and also likes to look at your phone and tries to take it off you - he's played on cat games on there."

Look at that smile!Blue Cross

"He's definitely more independent now and wanted to explore everything and has only recently found his meow."

Little Rupert is on the mend. "We're pleased to say that Rupert has now been reserved, so will hopefully be in a new home in time for Christmas!"

Blue Cross

What a second chance can do! Share this story with your friends. If you would like to support their rescue efforts, click here to see how you can help. Follow Blue Cross on Facebook.

Related story: Rescue Cat Turns Her Crooked Jaw into a Beautiful Smile

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