Bus Driver Surprised to Find Three Kittens Onboard and Gets Them Help..

Bus Driver Surprised to Find Three Kittens Onboard and Gets Them Help..


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A bus driver was shocked when he discovered three tiny kittens onboard. He immediately called for help.

Meet Arriva, Diesel and Oyster.

Supplied by RSPCA

The London bus driver couldn't believe it when he discovered three little kitties onboard the Arriva bus. The feline babies were found in an unusual looking box left on the vehicle. The driver immediately notified the company, and the kittens were taken in by their control center in Islington.

While they were trying to help and comfort the kittens, they contacted the RSPCA so the little fur babies could receive proper care.

"Thank goodness the driver spotted this unusual box onboard the bus and found the kittens inside," Siobhan Trinnaman, Animal welfare officer of RSPCA, said in a press release sent to Love Meow.

The kittens were so thankful that they kept snuggling and rubbing up to their rescuer.

Supplied by RSPCA

"These little bundles of fluff are far too young to be away from their mother… Luckily, they are now being very well looked after by our vets and nurses at Harmsworth Animal Hospital (in Finsbury Park)."

The kitties are all tuxedos, around three weeks old. Staff at the RSPCA are feeding and caring for them around-the-clock. They are very playful, full of energy, loving all the attention and constantly seeking cuddles.

Supplied by RSPCA

"Cases like this highlight the need for more education to ensure potential cat owners understand the commitment, responsibility and costs involved in taking on a pet, as well as the importance of neutering cats," Siobhan added. "There are lots of organisations, such as the RSPCA, Cats Protection and local vets, who offer assistance with the costs of neutering."

The feline siblings are doing very well and will be up for adoption when they are big enough.

Supplied by RSPCA

Arriva, Diesel and Oyster are so happy to have someone to love and care for them.

They come running for cuddles whenever they see their caregivers in the kitten nursing room.

Supplied by RSPCA

Watch as the little kittens walk up to their caregiver for some snuggles and love.

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