Calico Cat Shows Incredible Forgiveness After She Was Found Shot in Eye

Calico Cat Shows Incredible Forgiveness After She Was Found Shot in Eye


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A beautiful calico cat shows incredible forgiveness and love despite what happened to her.

Meet Holly the cat!

Courtesy: The Cat House On The Kings

A call from a local animal control shook everyone at the Cat House on the Kings (Parlier, California) when they learned about a 6-month-old calico cat and her traumatic ordeal.

"She has been shot in the back of her head at close range by a pellet gun," Harvie Schreiber of the Cat House on the Kings told Love Meow. "Animal Control is investigating the incident."

When they were told that the calico cat needed help, they took her in right away.

Despite what Holly had gone through, this sweet kitty surprised everyone with her enormous heart.

Courtesy: The Cat House On The Kings

Holly was found with a pellet stuck in her right eye. When she arrived at the sanctuary, she was a bit guarded, but it didn't take long for things to turn around for this incredibly brave kitty.

After they treated her for the trauma, she looked much better. "She is awaiting surgery to remove the pellet. We have to wait for her swelling to go down."

Courtesy: The Cat House On The Kings

A stressful few days later, this beautiful calico girl not only held no grudge against any humans, but she was accepting pets and cuddles, and even purred at her caregivers to show them gratitude.

Holly reached out for some head scratches. Look at that smile!

Courtesy: The Cat House On The Kings

"She allowed me to pet her today. She warmed my heart!" said Karla Cortez, Cat House on the Kings Kitten Quarters Supervisor.

Sweet Holly sniffed Karla's hand, and then rubbed it and started purring aloud.

Courtesy: The Cat House On The Kings

The loving calico girl is now on the mend at the Cat House on the Kings.

When Holly receives love, she loves back 10 fold. Despite her traumatic past, she continues to show her rescuers just how grateful she is.

A full bowl of food, a few cuddles and a warm place to nap make Holly a very happy kitty.

Courtesy: The Cat House On The Kings

Holly purring at her caregiver, showing her love. "Even though someone did this to her, look at all the love she has to offer."

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Share this story with your friends. If you would like to help Holly with her medical expenses, click here to see how you can help.

The Cat House on the Kings is a no-cage, no-kill sanctuary for feral and abandoned cats and kittens. Follow Holly's updates and the Cat House on the Kings on Facebook.

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