Cat with 'Cow Spots' Left in the Snow Until Family Takes Him in, He Runs Up to Greet Them with Pure Happiness

Cat with 'Cow Spots' Left in the Snow Until Family Takes Him in, He Runs Up to Greet Them with Pure Happiness


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A cat with "cow spots" was left in the snow until a family took him in. He ran up to greet them with pure happiness.

cute cat loafingValentineWhiskers-a-GoGo

It was a snowy day when Sofia came across a cat with cow-like markings, who desperately needed help.

He had been left outside when his owners no longer wanted him. Longing for attention, he trotted up to Sofia as she approached. "I couldn't let him freeze in the snow, so I took him home," Sofia shared.

"I gave him a bath. He is so sweet that he let me do it. He loves cuddles, purrs all the time, and loves to be around humans."

cat hiding bathroomWhiskers-a-GoGo

With two cats already, Sofia reached out to local rescue groups, hoping to get the sweet boy into a loving foster home. "This is a very special cat to me, so I'll keep trying to find a home for him."

After a week of searching for a rescue, she received a response from Whiskers-a-GoGo.

friendly cat snugglesWhiskers-a-GoGo

The rescue immediately offered to take in the deserving cat, arranged a foster home, and lovingly named him Valentine.

"At first glance, you can immediately tell that Valentine is a special boy. His adorable cow spots follow a tabby pattern, and all four of his paws have black pads with pink toe beans," Adrienne, Valentine's foster mom, shared.

cat cow spotsHe has beautiful cow-like markings on his coatWhiskers-a-GoGo

Within a few days, Valentine settled in, happily exploring the house with his tail held high. "He has really blossomed in the last week, and we see him gaining confidence and being more affectionate every day."

When Valentine noticed the resident cats, he was instantly drawn to them.

cat cow markings loungingWhiskers-a-GoGo

"He spent his first week trilling and whimpering to our cats because he was so eager to befriend them."

Now, Valentine seeks their company, joining in their adventures. He's especially fond of Mooncake the cat who shows him the ropes. Following their lead, he has even started sleeping on the big bed with the family.

cats friends sweetValentine and MooncakeWhiskers-a-GoGo

"He often greets us when we come home and purrs immediately when we talk to him, pick him up, or pet him. He loves to chat about his day and share his many opinions. He's been hard to photograph because he comes purring if we give him the slightest glance."

With all the soft blankets around, he's rekindled his love for biscuit-making.

sweet cat biscuitsHe loves making biscuits on his blanketsWhiskers-a-GoGo

After receiving treatment for his stomach issues, Valentine is eating much better and has regained a hearty appetite. "He loves wet food so much and licks his bowl clean."

When Valentine first arrived, he was anxious and cried whenever left alone. But once he felt safe, surrounded by the comforting presence of people and other cats, he became so content that he would fall asleep in his foster mom's lap.

cuddly happy sleepy catHe fell asleep cuddling his foster momWhiskers-a-GoGo

"At one year old, he has plenty of energy best spent on a playmate. Valentine is a very lovable boy, and we can't wait to have him in a forever home with adopters who will love him dearly."

He wakes up each morning among friends, greeting them with gentle head bumps and soothing purrs.

cat yawning cow markingsWhiskers-a-GoGo

Valentine escaped the cold and found warmth and comfort in a foster home.

Thanks to the kind rescuer and many volunteers, he will never have to spend another day outside, and has a dedicated team ensuring a bright future.

sweet happy snuggly catWhiskers-a-GoGo

Share this story with your friends. More on Valentine (in NYC) and Whiskers-a-GoGo on Instagram and Facebook.

Related story: Kitten Comes Running to Traveling Couple and Hops into Their Arms, She Won't Let Them Leave Her

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