Grandpa Cat Has a Feline Admirer Who Follows Him Around for Snuggles

Grandpa Cat Has a Feline Admirer Who Follows Him Around for Snuggles


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Mason the Grandpa Cat, who was rescued by TinyKittens (in British Columbia, Canada), now has a little feline admirer who insists on snuggling with him all the time.


About two years ago, Mason was rescued as an injured feral cat with terminal kidney disease. Returning him back to the cat colony was not an option. Rescuers at Tinykittens decided to care for him for the rest of his life. At the time, he was terrified of people and wouldn't let anyone near him.

"We had no idea if this ferocious feral could be happy indoors after a lifetime of freedom," Tinykittens wrote.

But this old cat surprised them all when he decided, one day, that he would no longer be afraid. He began to accept affection from his human friends and fell in love with kittens in need.


He became the Foster Grandpa at Tinykittens, giving orphaned kittens the love and affection they need to thrive.

Earlier this year, a little tortie named Aura was born to a feral cat trapped by the rescue. Immediately, they knew something was wrong. "She couldn't nurse because of a giant hole in the roof of her mouth. We didn't know if she could survive, but we knew she deserved a chance," Tinykittens said.


They started tube-feeding her around the clock. It was not always easy, but the feisty little kitty got amazing tortitude and incredible fighting spirits.

"She had to learn how to eat. She drinks from a special bottle. She loves going for hoodie rides, and she's getting stronger every day," TinyKittens said.

What she loves the most is to give other kitties baths and snuggles. Grandpa Mason is her favorite.


Aura likes to nurse on Grandpa Mason's ear. "I actually think this is her equivalent of comfort nursing, as she only does it whilst making sleepy-happy biscuits and purring," Tinykittens wrote.

Watch Aura and Grandpa Mason in this cute video:

With ears, it allows Aura to breathe easier due to her cleft palate.

"I suspect that she never learned 'normal' comfort nursing because it was too uncomfortable for her to latch onto things like other kittens do."


When Aura is big enough, she will have surgery to repair her palate, so the sweet tortie girl can live a normal life.


"In the meantime, she loves her Grandpa Mason!"


Share this story with your friends. Follow Aura on Facebook and Instagram. Follow Grandpa Mason on Facebook. If you would like to support their rescue efforts, click here to see how you can help.

Related story: Grandpa Comes to Shelter to Brush Cats and Kittens and Falls Asleep with Them Every Day for 6 Months

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