Cat Grateful to Be Saved from Being Stuck in Grate

Cat Grateful to Be Saved from Being Stuck in Grate


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This very curious cat got herself in quite some trouble after she attempted to venture into a storm drain but only found herself stuck in the grate.

Photo: Winchendon Fire Department

A one-year-old cat got herself in a pickle. She crawled into a storm drain to explore, but as she tried to exit, her head became wedged in the grate.

The Winchendon fire department received a call about the cat needing help, they quickly came to the rescue. "When we arrived the cat was barely breathing and moving as she was hanging from the grate," The Winchendon fire department wrote on Facebook.

They immediately removed the grate and put it in an upright position, so the kitty could breathe and relax.

Photo: Winchendon Fire Department

They found the owner of the cat, and all of them worked together to free the feline with some dish soap.

Photo: Winchendon Fire Department

"We applied it around the cat's neck, we slowly worked (her) head back into the grate and within a couple minutes we freed the cat."

Photo: Winchendon Fire Department

Cuddling with her rescuer. The kitty is very grateful to be safe at last, and she has learned her lesson.

Photo: Winchendon Fire Department

Home sweet home. The mischievous kitty loves the comfort of her home. "She won't leave her bed now," Tim, kitty's human, said.

Photo: Tim James

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Related story: Woman Keeps Trying Until Tiny Kitten Saved from Deep Storm Drain

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