Cat Lives in Drainage Piper Becomes Mascot of the Beltline

Cat Lives in Drainage Piper Becomes Mascot of the Beltline


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In Atlanta, a cat named Piper who lives in a drainage pipe has become a mascot of the Beltline's Eastside Trail. Piper has attracted a lot of people who come to pay homage.

Piper isn't into petting at all and doesn't want to be touched, but she has a mailbox nearby filled with fan mails by her admirers. "It's called Tail Mail." (11Alive)

Besides fan letters and cards, many bring food and water. "She inspires me to get some exercise, I feed him, bring my cat food and plastic bags," said one of the fans.

Beltline Piper now even has a Facebook page and twitter account to keep in touch with her fans on social media. Her advice for all those who use the Beltline: "Stay Frisky My Friends."

Piper who lives in a drainage pipe has become a mascot of the Beltline's Eastside Trail in Atlanta

She has a lot of fans who come to pay homage and bring food and water

Piper's mailbox, the Tail Mail, filled with fan letters

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Source: 11Alive.

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