Cat Dotes on Her Only Kitten in Foster Home and So Happy They Will Never Be Apart

Cat Dotes on Her Only Kitten in Foster Home and So Happy They Will Never Be Apart


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A sweet cat and her only kitten blossomed together in foster care. They share an incredible bond.

Fox Foster Kittens

Two months ago, Rescue Cats of Florida took in a number of cats and kittens from a breeder that had been shut down. They needed help from volunteers to foster the kitties. Gucci the pregnant Minuet Cat and another feline came to Samantha Fox of Fox Foster Kittens.

"When I heard Rescue Cats of Florida needed some help, I offered space in my nursery," Samantha shared with Love Meow.

The expectant ginger cat quickly settled in and was ready to be pampered. She especially enjoyed being brushed and was rather picky about food, just like any other diva.

Fox Foster Kittens

"She was very close to delivery, her milk had already come in. She has a strong willed personality."

A few days after arrival, Gucci went into labor and had one surviving kitten named Versace. The little ginger (girl) immediately latched onto her mom and blended into her long fur. "She is absolutely stunning, just like her mama. She was a large sized kitten even for a normal cat (Gucci is only five pounds)."

Fox Foster Kittens

"Gucci and Versace have a super tight bond. The kitten is always curled up under her mom's tail or tucked up right under her chin," Samantha told Love Meow.

"She was growing bigger and more beautiful by the day and starting to look more like her mom."

Fox Foster Kittens

The little ball of fur started to use her legs to waddle when she was strong enough to stand. She was getting increasingly more curious about her surroundings and her sassy attitude really came through.

The cat mom was very protective of her baby, watching over her every step of the way.

Fox Foster Kittens

"She's starting to try to walk around on her tiny legs with that giant body of hers and her tail looks like a Christmas tree sticking straight up."

Like mother, like daughter -- Versace is a little diva herself.

Fox Foster Kittens

The kitten has blossomed into a fluffy, playful ball of energy and will run and hop and play with toys. Gucci always gives her kitten a thorough bath whenever she returns from playing.

The mother and daughter duo spent their first holiday season together.

Fox Foster Kittens

"She loves her baby in a way I have never seen a cat love her kitten. Their bond is one of the strongest I've seen," Samantha shared. "Versace is very clingy to her mom and cries when you take her away."

When the mother hears her baby's little meows, she will call out to her for her return. As soon as she gets her back, a bath is in order.

Fox Foster Kittens

Despite being big enough to eat on her own, Versace still enjoys comfort-nursing on her mom. She has figured out how to use the litter box and groom by learning from the best.

The pint-sized kitten has grown in weight and fluff. At eight weeks old, little Versace is fuzzier than ever and quite the character.

Fox Foster Kittens

In a few more weeks, she will be ready to start a new chapter with her mom. Gucci will never have to go through another pregnancy (they will be spayed) and spend the rest of her life with her precious baby, being spoiled and loved.

"They have a pre-approved adopter who will be providing them both a home forever and ever," Rescue Cats of Florida wrote.

Fox Foster Kittens

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Related story: Cat Left Kittens on Family's Porch and Came Back with 4 More Two Months Later

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