Cat People Will Understand What this Guy Does for His Cats

Cat People Will Understand What this Guy Does for His Cats


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Cat people will understand...

"You know you're owned by a cat when… You receive 5am wake up calls for breakfast, use the kitchen sink to brush you're teeth, vacuum when the cats aren't sleeping, pick up your cat so he can kill a spider, clean the living room - then mess it up again, suffer from kitty paralysis even when you're desperate to pee and always have 'help' when you're trying to fold the laundry!" said Chris, human dad of Cole and Marmalade.

[Scroll down for video]

Receive 5am wake up calls for breakfast.


Pick up your cat so he can kill a spider.


Always have "help" when you're trying to fold the laundry!


Watch this cute video here:

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