Cat Came to Shelter for a Home and Some Help to Get in Shape

Cat Came to Shelter for a Home and Some Help to Get in Shape


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A big tabby cat came to the shelter, looking for a forever home and some help to get in shape.

He was lovingly named Doughnut.

The Jacksonville Humane Society

Doughnut was brought to The Jacksonville Humane Society (in Jacksonville, Florida) last week when his former owner was told by the landlord that she could no longer keep the cat. "She loved him very much and was very sad that she couldn't keep him," Lindsay Layendecker of The Jacksonville Humane Society told Love Meow.

The sweet and outgoing tabby charmed everyone at the shelter. "Big Doughnut is 28.6 pounds and very thick. His new family will need to work with a vet to get him to the right weight at the right pace."

They began looking for the perfect home that would be willing to take on the task.

The Jacksonville Humane Society

Doughnut is a happy big kitty who loves attention and pets.

"He is very confident and outgoing. He enjoys chin scratches and naps in the sunshine," Lindsay said.

The Jacksonville Humane Society

"We had a lot of families come in and ask to meet him, but not many who were prepared to take on the task of helping him with weight loss," Lindsay told Love Meow.

When the right person came along, Doughnut seemed to just know.

The Jacksonville Humane Society

Last Friday, Doughnut met a family that he loved. He quickly warmed up to them and even nuzzled in for some chin scratches.

They fell head over heels for the sweet tabby and were ready to help him with all his needs. "He already has a vet appointment for the end of this week," Lindsay added.

The Jacksonville Humane Society

The tabby cat, now renamed Ziggy, quickly adjusted to his new abode as if he had lived there all his life.

Ziggy even found his favorite spot to chill.

He adores his new dad and follows him around the house.

Ziggy now has a place to call his own and is on his way to a healthier self.

The Jacksonville Humane Society

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Related story: Couple Went to Shelter for a Kitten But Came Home with a Cat and a Mission to Help Him to Get Healthy

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