Cat was Found One Year After Hurricane Ike

Cat was Found One Year After Hurricane Ike


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Cats have a knack for foreboding certain upcoming events such as weather or even natural disasters because of their acute senses. This is perhaps what happened to Simon who left his family right before Hurricane Ike hit Texas.

Juliet Pennay, the owner of the cat had to go to Paris to study aboard, so her mother was taking care of Simon until Hurricane Ike approached. They decided to transport the cat to her uncle's. However, the cat seemed to have foreseen the upcoming catastrophe, feeling uneasy during the trip and finally found a moment to escape.

Nobody from the family could find him. When Pennay returned to the U.S. during Christmas last year, she still had hope that she might be able to find Simon. She went on a search for her cat in the neighborhood. According to Paw Nation "Pennay says she was about to give up when she noticed something furry and gray near a garage. Pennay says her 'heart just stopped' when she recognized her kitty." That was more than one year until the two finally reunited.

Simon is now home safe and sound. Pennay has returned to Paris for school, but she did not get a word about the whereabouts of Simon during his disappearance. What she knows is that the little feline escaped the third largest Hurricane in the United States.

Image via flickr: Tabbymom Jen

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