Cats and Their Inspired Comic Strip

Cats and Their Inspired Comic Strip


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Bumbe and Yun Yun, two lovely and frisky felines are like two peas in a pod. Their stories have inspired Betty Lee, their hooman, to start a comic strip to document their silly little antics and lots of funny and happy moments.

"My boyfriend and I adopted them as kittens from the SPCA, a year apart. They are great friends and love to cuddle with each other."

Bumbe tends to be shy with strangers, but once he gets used to the person, he becomes the sweetest cat. Bumbe loves to play, eat and receive massages. Yun Yun on the other paw, is a social butterfly who loves people. She is very curious and always offers help when Betty is doing chores. She is also a wonderful lap cat.

Photos and story courtesy of ©Betty Lee. You can check out more photos and the comic strip, Bumbe the Cat on her blog.

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