Company Hires Two Shelter Cats to Help Rescue Their Enployees

Company Hires Two Shelter Cats to Help Rescue Their Enployees


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Two shelter kitties came to a company to help their employees some help and lots of cuddles.

Meet Chomsky and Pirate!

Courtesy: @pirate_and_chomsky

Memrise, a company based in the UK, was brainstorming a way to help their employees reduce stress and improve performance. Adopting a shelter kitty came to mind. They hoped to have a cat to be the company's mascot, but ended up getting two inseparable mascots.

"Pirate and Chomsky were adopted from the shelter about a year ago. They were super shy and super scared at the beginning," the company told Love Meow.

"The whole Memrise team has given them so much love and care that they have become the biggest joy of the day for so many people."

Every day they wait for their human colleagues (aka can openers) by the entrance, "monitoring the approaching speed of morning shift waitress and calculating the earliest breakfast serving time."

Courtesy: @pirate_and_chomsky

As the employees walk to their desks, the kitties flop down on the floor, slowly revealing their bellies as a quiet but powerful way to acquire immediate attention.

"Special thanks to three and a half pairs of legs for always being there supporting us," they said.

Courtesy: @pirate_and_chomsky

Chomsky sometimes sits on the desk to make sure the humans are aware of the priorities.

"Plates are empty. I repeat: Plates are empty."

Courtesy: @pirate_and_chomsky

The 3-legged black panther kitty sneaks up from under a chair, pointing to his belly, signaling his need.

"My tummy is ready!"

Courtesy: @pirate_and_chomsky

They know their human colleagues will come to the pantry for their morning pick-me-up.

Chomsky awaits their presence at the coffee station and demands a few cuddles.

Courtesy: @pirate_and_chomsky

They monitor their human friends' diet attentively by the table and give their opinions after a few mandatory sniffs.

Chomsky judging a colleague's breakfast.

Courtesy: @pirate_and_chomsky

Pirate loves to look at his humans from a different perspective.

He can run, jump, balance just like any other 4-legged cat. Despite having only three legs, he is a little daredevil.

Courtesy: @pirate_and_chomsky

"How much handsomeness can one room take? Quite a lot, as it looks."

Courtesy: @pirate_and_chomsky

The two siblings grew up in the office and fell in love with everyone there. It's a big, happy family.

When their humans need some love or a cuddle after a long day of work, the kitties give back in spades.

Courtesy: @pirate_and_chomsky

They always prepare a glass of water on the side for the kitties as the feline siblings enjoy sampling water from desk to desk.

After a long day of work, the kitties give each other some love and kisses.

Share this story with your friends. Follow Chomsky and Pirate on Instagram.

Related story: Stray Kitten Strolls Into Office to Offer Employees Some 'Help'

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