Couple Saves Growling Kitten and Shows Her Love, It Changes Everything...

Couple Saves Growling Kitten and Shows Her Love, It Changes Everything...


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A scared little kitten found under a car was won over by love. In less than a day, she went from a growling angry kitten to a lovebug, purring up a storm.

Meet Chevy Maserati!

LemonAide Rescue

A tuxedo kitten somehow got inside a Chevy. Unbeknownst to the driver, the kitten was riding in the engine of the car for at least 15 miles, crying the pitifully cries but no one could hear her.

When the man pulled his car over to an auto shop, an employee there heard the meowing and sprang into action.

"When the car pulled up to my boyfriend's job (Island Boy Tuning) he stopped the man and started pulling the engine apart to find the terrified kitten," Bryanna Rosario, vet tech and founder of LemonAide Rescue, told Love Meow.

He called Bryanna to come over to help as she has the know-how. "In the middle of my boyfriend pulling the car apart, the kitten jumped down and ran into another car engine of a Maserati nearby. This is when I finally arrived."

She brought some sausages, kitten food in hopes to coax the kitten out.

LemonAide Rescue

"I laid on the floor in the rain for hours trying to convince this kitten to come out. When I finally caught her, she was petrified. She was growling, hissing, and spitting," Bryanna told Love Meow.

Bryanna managed to get the kitten in a carrier and brought her to Coral Springs Animal Hospital where she was examined.

LemonAide Rescue

"She was so angry when I took her to the vet, (rightly so). By the next morning, she was still very hesitant of me but once she felt me rubbing her little chin, her motor instantly turned on," Bryanna told Love Meow.

It was as if she had never felt anything so soothing and comforting before. "I would move my hand away and she'd run back towards it for more head scratches."

"She's doing very well now! She has three other siblings (also rescues) who she loves to play and cuddle."

The tuxedo girl and her new brother, Smudge, are getting ready for their forever loving home where their new human dad is awaiting their arrival.

LemonAide Rescue

When Bryanna and her boyfriend found the little kitten, she was scared for her life, but with a few pets, she began to purr, snuggle and love back in spades.

What rescuing can do!

LemonAide Rescue

Share this story with your friends. The LemonAide Rescue is established in honor of Lemon the kitten. Follow LemonAide Rescue on Facebook.

Related story: Stray Kitten Found Hiding Underneath Car with Saddest Eyes, What a Difference 6 Months of Love Makes

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