Dog Becomes Father To Rescue Kittens

Dog Becomes Father To Rescue Kittens


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Four tiny rescue kittens now have a new surrogate dad, a Golden Retriever dog named Ponzu who wouldn't let them out of sight.

Ponzu has fostered many kittens. (See Ichimi the rescue cat). His fatherly instinct kicked in when they brought back the kittens. He stayed by the box the kittens came in, watching them sleep.

He cleans the kittens after feeding and keeps them warm. The kitties love their new dad and follow him around.

Ponzu the dog is caring for four tiny rescue kittens like a father

The kittens adore their new dad.

He wouldn’t let them out of his sight.

He cleans the kittens after feeding and keeps them warm.

The kitties love their new dad and follow him around.

Photos by shimejiwasabi via instagram.

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