Dog Comforts Her Adopted Kitten at the Vet's and Gives Her Kisses After

Dog Comforts Her Adopted Kitten at the Vet's and Gives Her Kisses After


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Rosie the kitten is not a fan of the vet's but her adoptive mom Lilo the husky dog is there to comfort her and even gives her kisses afterwards.

[Scroll down for video]

Rosie a little rescue kitten was adopted by Lilo the Siberian husky when she came to her foster home as a sickly kitten. They weren't sure if she would be able to make it but Lilo took her in and saved her life.

Watch this video: Rosie getting a booster shot at the vet's. Lilo is super concerned and comforts Rosie after.

Lilo knows motherhood may just be her calling even though she's never had puppies and never will.

Watch video: Rosie will not leave Lilo mama alone, even when she tries to nap.

Rosie growing up with Lilo. They are inseparable. Follow them on Instagram.

It's a very hot day, but they are still stuck together like glue!


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