Featured Story: Our First Cat Wambli

Featured Story: Our First Cat Wambli


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Courtesy of Amber

I am from the States and my husband is from the UK. We both live in the States together now but when we were dating I went over to the UK for a visit.

My husband wanted some companionship while we were apart and I convinced him to get our first cat Wambli. He is a pure black cat. He's also been through a lot. We got him when he was about a year old and he felt abandonment issues from his former owners.

When my husband moved to the states there was no way we were leaving him behind after he became part of our hearts. He is a very quiet cat but shows his emotions in his face. When we put him on the airplane to come with us we could see as he was being led away he felt abandonment again and not understanding what was going on.

When we picked him up in the States the whole car ride home he did nothing but meow happy to be with us again. We brought him home and he has had to endure many moves to different houses as our job situation has changed a few times, but through it all he is still our little boy that we first got in UK. He loves to play and can't stand to be apart from us when we have to go somewhere. When we come home we give him at least an hour of just playing with and being with him.

He is the only one of our cats that all our friends (even those who don't like cats) would like to take home with them. We love him to death!!


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