Feral Kitten Thanks Man for Feeding Him During Pouring Rain

Feral Kitten Thanks Man for Feeding Him During Pouring Rain


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A man went to feed a hungry feral kitten that he had befriended during pouring rain. The kitty was so happy after eating that he rubbed against his human friend, thanking him for the food and love.

The kitty is from a feral colony. Most of the cats are very afraid of people, but this kitten is starting to open up to Robin Seplut who comes to feed him every morning without fail no matter the weather.

The man called the kitten to follow him to dry land.

The kitten was so happy for having food that he rubbed against his human friend, purring up a storm.

"I don't stop because of rain and mud! I still go to feed a hungry kitten in the rain. I will continue to feed the hungry kitten in the snow and cold rain. Poor kitten, always getting food from me," Robin said.

Watch the full video here:

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