Five Years Ago Stray Cat Asked Man for Food and Became His Lifelong Cuddlebug..

Five Years Ago Stray Cat Asked Man for Food and Became His Lifelong Cuddlebug..


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A kind-hearted man found a skinny homeless tortoiseshell wandering around looking for food. He knew that he had to help.

Meet Bossy!


It was five years ago when imgur user ridureyu found the little stray roaming around the neighborhood all by herself.

"She was a starving stray when I met her and started leaving food out for her," he said.

Even though the tortie cat was a bit timid but her hunger was too great to resist the food the man offered. After scarfing it down and licking the bowl clean, she turned around and started approaching the man.


"After I fed her, the cat tentatively approached and got to know me a little," he added.

As the tortie cat inched closer to his hand, she sniffed his fingers and started licking as if to say "thank you for the food." It was then the man thought perhaps he could try to let her inside the house.


Just five minutes after she walked into his home, the tortie decided to hop on the couch next to him and wrap her arms around his. She fell asleep cuddling with him, purring away.

The man didn't have the heart to move his arm. The sweet kitty quickly crept her way into his heart.


He later asked around the neighborhood to see if anyone was missing a cat, but no one came to claim her. Meanwhile, Bossy continued to demand hugs and attention all the time. It became quite clear that she had found her forever home and wouldn't take no for an answer.

"She claimed my hand, and wanted me to know it."


"When I took her to the vet, Bossy was diagnosed with FIV. She has remained healthy since, but I treasure every moment I have with this little one," he said.

Every day he wakes up to a warm hug from Bossy.


"She pretty much always grabs my arm if it's available."


The tortie always knows when her human could use a hug.

"I was having a stressful day, and while I was on the phone, this happened."


"She often plays until the need for cuddles overwhelms her... (I'm) enslaved to pet her forever."


Clingy kitty.


"She has saved me from depression, been a companion when I was lonely, and kissed me on the forehead when I hurt. I have given her a home, food, tons of love, and all the tummy rubs a cat could want," he said.

It's been five years since Bossy found her forever human. "She is still snuggling on my arm every chance she gets."


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