Girl Bursts In Tears When She Meets Kitten Who Looks Like Her Best Friend That Passed Away

Girl Bursts In Tears When She Meets Kitten Who Looks Like Her Best Friend That Passed Away


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A nine-year-old girl was in complete disbelief when she came home to a tiny black kitten.

The kitty looked just like the mini version of her best friend who passed away last year.

Courtesy: Nikki Frost

Last summer Marley had just turned nine when her mother, Nikki Frost, brought home something that she had been longing for since the day she lost her best friend Simon the black cat.

"Marley's a big animal lover. She's always putting her change in the donation cans at the pet supply store, and we already have two dogs, two cats and a guinea pig in our family," Frost told Love Meow.

"Our elderly black cat Simon had passed away the year before and she'd been asking for a kitten since."

With two cats, the family was not looking for another one until Ella the kitten came along.

She bursted in tears - tears of joy!Courtesy: Nikki Frost

"Ella was actually found under a friend's porch with a sibling, their mother believed to have been killed on the road," Frost told Love Meow.

They were bottle fed and when they were ready for adoption, Frost happened to meet her that day. "I had no intention of bringing another cat home, but... sometimes you just know these things are meant to be."

Courtesy: Nikki Frost

She brought little Ella home and placed her in Marley's room, waiting for her daughter to return. "Marley had NO IDEA, she had come home from a friend's house and the rest is history!"

Watch this heart warming video:

Ella has grown by leaps and bounds since this summer. The two buddies share a very special bond. "Ella is a great cat, very friendly and cuddly."

Something was missing in Marley's heart after she lost Simon. Little Ella the rescue kitten came to her home to fill her heart with joy.

Courtesy: Nikki Frost


Ella "helping" her human sort newspaper.

Marley and Ella say 'Thank you.'

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Related story: Kitty was Ignored Because of Her Face Until 7-year-old Girl Saved Her and Changed Her Life

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