Goofy Round Tux Muky Muky

Goofy Round Tux Muky Muky


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Written by Muky Muky (the cat), submitted by his human, ©Nadia.

Hi everybody, my name's Muky Muky. I live in Italy in a big house with a garden that I share with other 17 cats. A very big family indeed! Almost everyone of us was a stray or left out in the cold. We are happy and thankful that our humans found us and welcomed us to their home.

Don't judge a kitty by its look. I am actually very soft and mellow. I'm an extroverted cat unlike my sister Puchu who is a bit shy with people. I love to greet guests at the door when they come visit to make them feel welcomed.

My voice's a little bit husky and I stick  up my nose when I say "meow". If you don't answer me when I call at you (grrr!), I'll hit you softly with my paw to command your attention and you must tend to me right away.

Even though I'm round and stocky, I'm very agile and sometimes when I’m running after little balls or light beams, I go like a ninja by bouncing off of the walls, moving so fast that my human mother has not got a chance to capture down this extraordinarily athletic feat. If she keeps trying, sooner or later she will get it... maybe.

Photos courtesy of ©Nadia (flickr: 13Gattimiao, youtube channel).

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