Homeless Kitten Found Love and Home with Her Heroes. Look at the Change in One Day!

Homeless Kitten Found Love and Home with Her Heroes. Look at the Change in One Day!


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This little homeless kitten has found trust and love in these firefighters who rescued her from a car engine and gave her a forever home at their fire rescue station.

The firefighters received a call to rescue a kitten stuck in a car engine. Cafri Azulay led his crew to get the kitten to safety.

As soon as the kitten was freed, she went straight to a bucket filled with water. The poor little thing was extremely thirsty. Cafri held the kitten up so she could get some water that she desperately needed.

They took the little feline friend back to their station.

She was still very timid but when she was given water and food, she couldn't resist.

While the firefighters watched the little hungry kitty gorge her food, they knew they had to adopt her so she could have a family.

"The cat has a home (now), the fire rescue station," Cafri told Love Meow.

The next day, Cafri brought some food for their new kitty. She was still a bit skeptical about people, but slowly she started opening up to the firefighters.

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