Homer: The Ninth Life of a Blind Wonder Cat (Sequel)

Homer: The Ninth Life of a Blind Wonder Cat (Sequel)


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Homer a cat that nobody wanted found the person that he was destined to be with. Gwen Cooper shared her beloved cat's story in her international bestseller "Homer's Odyssey" 12 years ago. If you haven't read the book, do yourself a favor and get to know this wonderful wonder cat. (excerpt from the book)

Gwen called Homer, a cat with superpowers. He once chased away an intruder who broke into Cooper's bedroom with a vision that is simply beyond us.

You don't need eyes to love or to be loved. Homer's positive outlook on life, courage and sweet nature have deeply touched those who have come to know him and love him.

The long awaited sequel, Homer: The Ninth Life of a Blind Wonder Cat, is even more memorable. It takes you on a journey through the final four years of Homer's life.

Cooper put off writing for this sequel for quite a while fearing that she would relive the pain of losing her beloved friend. However, writing the book has helped her see a different light - "I've gotten to live with Homer again."

Homer passed away on August 21, 2013. His bravery and joyful outlook on life has inspired millions.

One of the cats that Cooper adopted, Clayton, had a very special bond with Homer. The connection between the two played a huge part in Cooper's healing process when Homer said his final good-bye.

Homer's legacy will continue to help cats with special needs and fight for their chance for a forever loving home.

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