Hotel Cat Moves into Hearts of 2 Brothers. They Can't Part with Him...

Hotel Cat Moves into Hearts of 2 Brothers. They Can't Part with Him...


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A stray cat that had been coming to a hotel for food for years met two brothers who were guests at the time, but he quickly stole their hearts...

Photo by Josh via imgur

A family were visiting Sierra Nevada, Spain where they met a stray cat who captured their hearts.

"The sweet old lady who runs the hotel my family are staying at started feeding him years ago. Since then, he's grown more and more friendly - now he's part of the hotel family (hence the collar) and loves to meet new guests. He spends all his time wandering the hotel grounds and sunbathing," Josh said.

Rufus greeting the two brothers.

Photo by Josh via imgur

"No hesitation before jumping onto my lap!"

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"He then jumped on my brother!"

Photo by Josh via imgur

Rufus snuggled up in his arms and felt very comfortable being held.

Photo by Josh via imgur

He stole their hearts right there.

Photo by Josh via imgur

"... so comfortable that we took him for a walk! He was purring the whole way!"

Photo by Josh via imgur

Rufus decided to follow the two brothers wherever they went.

Photo by Josh via imgur

So they offered to give him a home. "Rufus has now moved into our apartment."

Photo by Josh via imgur

He loves his humans!

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