Jimmy Jet is Not Disabled Just Differently-abled

Jimmy Jet is Not Disabled Just Differently-abled


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Jimmy Jet and Randi are a perfect example of how pets and people have a unique and powerful connection. Together they are helping children learn how important and wonderful animals are in our lives.

Guest Author: Randi Golub

As a long time cat lover and certified veterinary technician, I am very aware of the magic that exists between people and animals. My experience with therapy cats began many years ago when I was living and working in Pennsylvania. A beloved client suffered a stroke and was relocated to an assisted living home. With the few words he could speak, he asked that his Siamese cat be brought to see him. This wasn't possible for several reasons so I volunteered to bring my Siamese cat Violet instead. Violet was a lively, opinionated yet gentle cat, with a distinctive voice.

...Violet and I eventually passed our Delta Society evaluation with flying colors to become a registered Pet Partners team.

After we moved to the Pacific Northwest, Violet sadly passed away of age related causes. I felt a void in not having a cat partner for visits. Little did I know, it was just a matter of time until a new partner showed up in my life.

It was a few weeks before Christmas, and a kind lady had just rescued three young, sick kittens and brought them to our local clinic. One of the kittens needed immediate surgery to remove his infected and painful eyes so an email appeal went out for a foster home for the kitten after surgery. We named him Jimmy Jet and brought him home. I watched Jimmy for a long time that first night, listening to a little voice in my head that told me I had just met one of the most extraordinary animals I would ever be fortunate enough to know in my lifetime.

The weeks went by and Jimmy thrived in our care. We were so attached to him and him to us that we decided to adopt him. Two years later, he is now the class clown and love of our lives. Jimmy and I have just passed our evaluation and we are a registered Delta Society Pet Partners team. Jimmy Jet and I go to schools and talk to children about the fate of homeless animals and what life is like for a blind cat. The children are fascinated by him and always ask for him to come back. It is a joy for me to share the message of care and compassion for all creatures with Jimmy Jet by my side. And as we explain to people, Jimmy Jet is not disabled, just differently-abled!

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