Journey of a Little Rescue Orphan Kitten

Journey of a Little Rescue Orphan Kitten


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This is a beautiful story of a rescue kitten from the day he was found to today. See how far he's come...

"I've always said that the cat I was meant to have would come to me. Well, Boosie came a two day old cold, wet, ant and flea-ridden little bundle of hope," said Boosie's mom.

"I was up every 2 hours for the first 2 weeks making sure he was fed, warm, and stimulated." When she needed a break, her boyfriend would take over some shifts so she could get some rest.

Over time, Boosie grew and thrived.

Day 1 at his forever loving home. He was cold, wet and flea-ridden

They bottle fed him every 2 hours. This is him sleeping with a full belly

Eyes completely opened

Boosie's favorite toy. "It's mine!"

Litter box training. Success!

He finds out that boxes and baskets are a load of fun

Boosie today!

His growth process

Photos via imgur.

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