Kind Woman Spent 14 Months Gaining Trust From Fearful Feral Cat So She Could Save Him...

Kind Woman Spent 14 Months Gaining Trust From Fearful Feral Cat So She Could Save Him...


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A kind-hearted woman spent over a period of 14 months to befriend a feral cat that she found behind a department store.

Meet Blondie!


The ragged white and orange cat lived under large truck equipment and could only be seen from a long distance, but that didn't stop the kind woman from trying to win his trust. Deep down, she knew that he would come around if he got to experience love.

"Their friendship began with a lot of distance and trepidation. At first my mom wasn't even sure if this beautiful feline was eating the food she left out," imgur user needlept said.

The elusive kitty feared her presence, but as she continued to feed him over the next several months, the trust started to build. One day, he decided to wait patiently for his food provider a safe but close distance away.


"Blondie is starting to approve of my mom. They sit together for hours just talking and shooting the breeze."

He was no longer afraid, and would walk up to her when she came with yummy goodies.


Blondie got to learn that petting was a rather enjoyable thing. He rubbed against her leg when she petted him on his back and scratched his head.

It was the happiest moment when the sweet kitty decided to take his guard down and embrace love.


After nearly a year of trying to gain his trust, the kind woman had finally won his heart.

And she knew it was time to get him to a safe home.


She was able to get him into a trap and take him to the vet where they found out that Blondie had Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP), an incurable, fatal disease.


The sweet ginger boy huddled up to his human, now, human mom, at the vet and wouldn't go anywhere without her.


She welcomed Blondie into her loving home where he could cuddle next to a fireplace with other furry friends and his forever human.

That feral side of him drifted away and was substituted with love and affection.


"Shortly after taking Blondie in, he passed away from Feline Infectious Peritonitis." But before he crossed the rainbow bridge, the magnificent lion cat got to know love and a forever home that he shared with a big family.

"Like any superhero mom, she has always taken care of her three kids, our friends, and countless animals over the years. Selfless does not begin to describe her. Blondie and she became friends after a long time of building trust and many hours of spending time together.

"Blondie will be missed as a good son, I now carry cans of cat food in the trunk in my car for when I see a hungry feral cat."


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Related story: His Friendliness Almost Cost Him His Life, But This Cat Continues to Love and Trust

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