Kindness Saves Tiny Orphan Kitten

Kindness Saves Tiny Orphan Kitten


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A tiny orphan kitten's life was changed forever when a kind person found him in a culvert at Jacksonville University in Florida. She knew right away that she had to save him.

"This is an orphaned kitten adopted by my co-worker. She found him in a culvert just screaming his little head off and couldn't just leave him there. After a search for the mother turned up nothing, she decided to bring him home. And to the office - he has to be fed every couple of hours and is still too young to use a bottle. He is so adorable," said Carol White. (flickr)

This tiny orphaned kitten was found in a culvert by a kind person who couldn't leave him there.

She took him home and started caring for him round the clock. When she goes to work, she brings him along so that he can be fed every 2 hours.

The little tabby is in good hands now, and is thankful for a second chance at life and a human who loves him to bits.

Photos courtesy of Bailey White via flickr.

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