Kitten Who Showed Up in a Backyard, Comes Back to Family for Help

Kitten Who Showed Up in a Backyard, Comes Back to Family for Help


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A tuxedo kitten wandered into a backyard but quickly ran away. When she came back, she walked right up to the family for help.

Flatbush Cats

Lindsay from Brooklyn, New York spotted a kitten all alone in her backyard early September. The kitty was very skittish and immediately took off as Lindsay tried to approach her. A few days later, she showed up again, but this time she didn't leave. Lindsay scooped her up and brought her inside.

That's when they realized that the kitten was covered in fleas and just skin and bones. "After a couple hours and a full belly, she warmed right up to us," Lindsay shared with Love Meow.

They reached out to Flatbush Cats, a TNR (trap-neuter-return) rescue in Brooklyn, as the kitten needed medical attention and help. "They came to pick her up and start her on a new path."

Flatbush Cats

Rescuers from Flatbush Cats gave the kitten a much-needed bath. The water turned red due to blood excrement from all the fleas that were on her body.

"When you are bringing in kittens under eight weeks, they all need a proper bath with Dawn dish soap and flea comb follow-up," Will of Flatbush Cats said.

Flatbush Cats

Amelia volunteered to foster the kitten so the little tuxedo would have a comfortable place to start her new VIP life. They named the kitten Pepper. "She is safe, clean, comfy, and flea-free. She'll never be alone or hungry again, and the rest of her days will be filled with love."

Pepper's rescue journey:

Pepper quickly adjusted to the indoor life. As she grew bigger, her baby blue eyes slowly changed color, and she had made a giant step to growing her confidence.

The once scaredy cat has transformed into a snuggle-bug, who demands constant attention and cuddles.

Flatbush Cats

A few weeks later, Pepper found her forever home and a new feline brother.

"Pepper was officially adopted in mid-October and followed our usual introduction process. Brewski (big brother) was very excited to have a new little sister and he's been taking great care of her," Will said. "Her new mom has been spoiling them both with tons of love, toys and treats."

Flatbush Cats

The little tuxedo girl is already running the house.

She loves every bit of her new life and can't stop cuddling.

Flatbush Cats

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Related story: Man Saves Backyard Kitten Who Wouldn't Let Anyone Near, and Changes Her Life

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