Kitten Born with No Eyes Found in Backyard, Now Gets a New Life

Kitten Born with No Eyes Found in Backyard, Now Gets a New Life


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When this tiny kitten was found in a family's yard, they thought she was very young and hadn't opened her eyes, but when the rescuers took her in, they realized the little ginger girl was born without eyes.

Photo by Wags 2 Wishes Animal Rescue

Volunteers took her to the vet. "That’s when we discovered that the kitten was actually born with no eyes," Terri Crotty of Wags 2 Wishes Animal Rescue told ABC News. "I honestly think she came from a litter," Crotty said. "the homeowners looked all over to try to find more kittens because if there's one, there's got to be more and there were none."

They named the little kitten Freya.

Freya can't see, but she doesn't think she's any different. Being blind is not a disability to little ginger girl. She has amazing abilities to help her find her way around and live like a normal playful kitty.

Photo by Wags 2 Wishes Animal Rescue

"She's very affectionate and she loves people… She wants nothing more than to love on you and be close to you and snuggle you," Crotty said.

Little Freya has received surgery to close her eye sockets to minimize the risk of infection and is now doing well in her foster home.

"The cat will be able to live a normal life. It's just going to take a very special person to make that adjustment," Crotty said.

Photo by Wags 2 Wishes Animal Rescue

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