Woman Saves Orphaned Kitten with Extra Toes and Later Finds Her Sister Who is Also a Polydactyl

Woman Saves Orphaned Kitten with Extra Toes and Later Finds Her Sister Who is Also a Polydactyl


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A tiny kitten with thumbs was spotted outside a woman's house during a heat wave a few weeks ago. The mother cat never came back for her, and the kitten was all alone.

The lady named Vanessa picked her up and brought her inside as the kitten was fading in the unrelenting heat.

Chatons Orphelins Montréal

The little tabby named Dust (Poussière) was very young and needed to be bottle fed around the clock. Vanessa immediately (from Montréal, Canada) contacted a local rescue group, Chatons Orphelins Montréal (COM), and asked if they could help.

"We took the kitten in. She was about two weeks old and weighed just 260 grams," Celine Crom of COM shared with Love Meow.

Danielle, a foster of the rescue, started bottle feeding her every couple of hours.

Chatons Orphelins Montréal

In just 24 hours, Dust put on 40 grams. The tabby girl continued to gain weight every day.

As she was getting bigger and stronger, she started to use her legs more. "A week later, her teeth started to appear and she began to crawl."

Chatons Orphelins Montréal

Two weeks after Vanessa found Dust, she contacted the rescue about another kitten she had discovered, who also has many extra toes.

She found Dust's siblings but only one had survived.

Chatons Orphelins Montréal

The little kitten named Comet is also a polydactyl just like her sister. She is receiving treatment for worms and parasites, but is doing well otherwise. "Comet was very worried when she arrived at COM. She was trying to hide not knowing what was going on."

As soon as Danielle started feeding her, she felt better. Now she will only eat when she is by her side.

Chatons Orphelins Montréal

There's a cat colony in the area where the kittens were found. COM volunteers have started working on a TNR (trap-neuter-return) mission to get all the cats there spayed and neutered.

"We will find people to help spay/neuter this colony because otherwise, there will be the same situation in two months."

Chatons Orphelins Montréal

Comet and Dust are the lucky ones as they were found just in time.

Once little Comet is cleared by the vet, she will be reunited with her sister Dust. Both kittens adore their foster mom and like to curl up in her hands, purr up a storm and fall asleep.

"Danielle helped Dust and her sister through the toughest time. She is giving them love, care and attention as much as a real mom cat would," the rescue said.

Chatons Orphelins Montréal

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Related story: Shelter Cat with Giant Mittens Changes a Man's Life

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