Woman Brings Home Kittens to Foster, Her Cat Takes the Runt Under Her Wing

Woman Brings Home Kittens to Foster, Her Cat Takes the Runt Under Her Wing


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When Pukini the kitten was brought to a shelter in Richmond, Virginia, they noticed she was a bit different.

Krystle Waldron @acleverkitten

Being just half the size of her siblings, she was struggling to grow.

Krystle Waldron, a foster volunteer of Henrico Humane Society, took her home along with her little family. Pukini was the runt of litter but had the strongest fight. She had an eye infection and was born with deformities in her legs.

"Her siblings would push her out of the way so she had to be supplemented with a bottle for a few weeks until she was strong enough to eat real food on her own," Krystle told Love Meow.

Krystle Waldron @acleverkitten

It took her much longer to learn to crawl and walk. Despite all the challenges, she never gave up and was always in good spirits. No one expected her to survive, but she did.

While her siblings all bounced back on their paws, Pukini was still behind the curve. The brave little kitty didn't let anything stop her from trying to walk.

"She doesn't seem to know that there is anything wrong with her," Krystle said. "She's incredibly sweet and loves sleeping on top of me and my husband."

Krystle Waldron @acleverkitten

When her siblings and cat mom were ready to find their forever homes, Pukini still had health issues to tackle. They introduced her to Penny the resident cat, and it was love at first sight.

Just like Pukini, Penny has her own special needs. They instantly connected.

Krystle Waldron @acleverkitten

"Penny has her own health issues - she developed laryngeal paralysis at 16 months old and had to have a tie-back surgery so that she could breathe," Krystle told Love Meow.

She took Pukini under her wing and started mothering her. The kitten would follow her around the house and even try to imitate her by eating from a big bowl.

Krystle Waldron @acleverkitten

After many vet visits, they discovered the kitten had spinal deformities and vision problems. As they continued to search for the right treatment, she was put on anti-inflammatory meds.

Whenever she needs a paw, Penny is right there to keep her company. They are the perfect little pair.

Krystle Waldron @acleverkitten

For a while, her progress went back and forth, but she just kept on fighting.

Penny showered her with love while they were waiting for test results. To everyone's surprise, the kitten began to improve.

Krystle Waldron @acleverkitten

She started to gain strength in her legs and could play almost like a normal kitty. She would knead on her collection of blankets after running around the room, chasing toys.

After getting her fill of playtime, Pukini nuzzles right in with Penny for some much-needed TLC.

Krystle Waldron @acleverkitten

"She's continuing to improve. She loves being close to her special humans and loves bath time with her best friend Penny," Krystle said.

"We are hopeful about her future."

Krystle Waldron @acleverkitten

The kitten who no one thought would survive, exceeded everyone's expectations.

She is thriving at her foster home with her best friend, and making strides every day!

Krystle Waldron @acleverkitten

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Related story: They Rescue This Kitten Who Was Found All Alone, and Find Him a Friend to Cuddle

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