Kitten Found Freezing Underneath Car Bounces Back with Floof, Now a Year Later...

Kitten Found Freezing Underneath Car Bounces Back with Floof, Now a Year Later...


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A year ago, a tiny kitten was found freezing underneath a car, but a bit of love and warmth brought him back to life.

Meet Jake!


It was a very cold night when a tiny 4-week-old kitten was found underneath a car with ice in his fur. "(He was) alone and half frozen... and his mom was gone," Anna (@infinit3j3st) said.

The kitten was brought to a foster home in Pittsburgh and for the first time he could finally feel warm and safe, have his belly filled and sleep in a comfy bed. "Being inside and warm did him a world of good!"

The tiny ball of floof bounced back and blossomed.


A few weeks later, Anna welcomed him into his forever home. He became the biggest cuddler and constantly filled the house with purrs and snuggles.

"He just wants to be everybody's friend. It's like he totally knows that people make good things happen."


As he grew bigger and fluffier, he became quite the character.

When he is not creating antics around the house, he's supervising his humans.


His tail really fluffed up and flourished.


A few months later, the bed on the cat tree could barely contain his floof.


"He was found at 4 weeks old, abandoned... Now he's the biggest kitty with the most personality that I've ever met."

Jake just turned one yesterday, and this handsome boy is loving life to the fullest!


Before and after floof:

The day he was found under a car (4 weeks old), and yesterday (1 year old).


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