Kitten Who Was Found As Orphan, Gives Other Kitties Cuddles So No One Feels Alone

Kitten Who Was Found As Orphan, Gives Other Kitties Cuddles So No One Feels Alone


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A kitten who was found alone as an orphan, started giving everyone around him cuddles after a family saved his life.

Laura Malone @fosterkittyfamily

Frito the kitten was a tiny newborn when he was brought into the San Jose Animal Care Center. He was in need of round-the-clock care and a lot of TLC. Mini Cat Town, a local rescue group, immediately offered to help.

Laura Malone, a director of Mini Cat Town, who specializes in neonatal care, took him home and started syringe feeding him every two hours. "Single bottle babies are always rescued last because their care is so time-consuming," Laura shared with Love Meow.

Her whole family took turns to help the little pint-sized kitten, making sure he was always loved.

Laura Malone @fosterkittyfamily

Over the next couple of weeks, his eyes started to open and he began to explore and seek attention from everyone in the room.

"He started to want more play time before the other kittens (his age) were ready. So we introduced him to our older foster kittens," Laura said.

Laura Malone @fosterkittyfamily

"I was surprised that the older kitties were super gentle and accepting of him."

Frito would follow his feline buddies everywhere they went, and tried to imitate them when they played.

Laura Malone @fosterkittyfamily

When he was big enough to graduate from his incubator (which helped keep his body temperature regulated), he met other foster kittens.

Right away, he snuggled up to everyone, wanting to be their friend.

Laura Malone @fosterkittyfamily

When his foster family isn't available for cuddles, Frito curls up next to a feline friend or leans on them as if they are his pillows.

Laura Malone @fosterkittyfamily

Frito never wants to be alone and makes sure other kitties have company, too.

He's very playful and cuddly.

Laura Malone @fosterkittyfamily

He likes to share boxes, beds, and laps with other fosters, even it means being sat on sometimes.

Laura Malone @fosterkittyfamily

The ginger boy adores his foster family.

If he spots an empty lap or chest, he'd be sure to hop right on and fall asleep on it.

Laura Malone @fosterkittyfamily

They saved Frito from a rough beginning and raised him into a beautiful cat.

He's giving back by helping other rescued kittens and being there for them when they need a cuddle.

Laura Malone @fosterkittyfamily

Share this story with your friends. Follow updates on Frito and Laura's foster kitties on Facebook and Instagram.

Related story: Man Gave Kitten a Home — Now He Wakes Up to a Kitty Cuddling Up to Him Every Day

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