Kitten Becomes Sister to Another Rescued Kitten and Helps Him Heal Through Cuddles

Kitten Becomes Sister to Another Rescued Kitten and Helps Him Heal Through Cuddles


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Two grey kittens were in rough shape when they were brought to a rescue group. The brother held onto his sister, trying to comfort her.

Saving Grace Rescue

Stan the kitten came to Saving Grace Rescue (in San Francisco, California) along with his sister, Doris. From the beginning, he was very protective of her and kept her close, trying to make her feel better.

They were battling malnutrition and upper respiratory infections. A foster volunteer of the rescue took them into her care so the kittens could start the healing process in the comfort of a loving home.

Despite being sick and emaciated, Stan wouldn't stop caring for his sister and never left her side. Little Doris eventually started fading after a long struggle with many health issues.

"Her brother Stan held her tight when she was sick. He was very attached to her but sadly, she passed away," Amber Rose, founder of Saving Grace Rescue, told Love Meow.

Saving Grace Rescue

Stan suddenly found himself without his sister. His foster mom kept him company so he wouldn't feel alone.

A week later, the rescue took in another kitten named Laverne who came in after a period of quarantine at a local shelter.

Saving Grace Rescue

"She arrived gentle and loving and immediately took in Stan," Amber said. "We don't know how Laverne became so sweet after being isolated. It's just who she is."

Laverne walked right up to her little feline friend, and they soon began to play and ended up taking a nap together. It was as if she knew exactly what he needed.

Saving Grace Rescue

Stan cuddled right next to her, purring up a storm. They became instant best friends.

"We were amazed how gentle and caring Laverne is. It's like she knew he needed to heal," Amber told Love Meow.

Saving Grace Rescue

He has found a friend in Laverne.

"Stan was the caretaker of his sister, and then Laverne became his big sister, taking care of him."

Saving Grace Rescue

Watch their adorable friendship in this video:

2 rescued kittens become inseparable

Stan showing off his toe beans while being cradled in his foster mom's arms.

Happy and loved!

Saving Grace Rescue

The rescue hopes to find these two best friends a forever home together. "Stan would probably be devastated to lose another buddy," Amber said.

The kitties are having their first holiday season together, filled with love, purrs and lots of cuddles.

Saving Grace Rescue

Share this story with your friends. Follow updates on Stan and Laverne on Facebook. If you would like to support their rescue efforts, click here to see how you can help.

Related story: Kitten Brother and Sister Keep Each Other Alive Until They are Saved

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