Stray Kitten Befriended Woman Who Was Kind to Her, and Kept Coming Back

Stray Kitten Befriended Woman Who Was Kind to Her, and Kept Coming Back


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A woman came across a stray kitten near her home and knew she had to help.

Chatons Orphelins Montréal

Last October, Valerie, a resident from Montreal, Canada was cycling back home when she spotted a kitten across the street. She stopped and noticed that the cat didn't have a collar and looked quite young.

Thinking she might belong to someone, Valerie decided to come back later to check on the kitten. She circled back a few times and finally saw her again a few days later. The kitten was very scared and wouldn't let anyone near.

After asking around the neighborhood and online, Valerie discovered that the stray didn't have a home, and no one came forward to claim her.

One of the neighbors mentioned that they had seen the kitten wandering around on her own for a while. No one seemed to be able to approach her, so Valerie, who is a volunteer of a local animal rescue, made it her mission to save her.

Chatons Orphelins Montréal

She began bringing food with her every time she came to see the kitten, trying to earn her trust. Day by day, the kitten became more confident around her and inched closer and closer to her food provider.

After a while, the kitten expected to see her friend daily at their usual rendezvous. She would crawl under a gate from the other side to get food and eventually mustered enough courage to approach her human friend.

Chatons Orphelins Montréal

Valerie was finally able to pet the kitten on a rare occasion. She knew it was time to bring her into her rescue, Chatons Orphelins Montréal. Right before winter, she got the kitten off the streets and into a foster home.

Watch the kitten's rescue in this video:

Stray kitten befriended a kind

The kitten whom they named Thémis, was very shy, hiding most of the time for many weeks. "She did not know happiness before arriving with us," Celine Crom of Chatons Orphelins Montréal, shared with Love Meow.

Her foster parents, Marie-Lyne and Patrick, were very patient with her, giving her all the time she needed to adjust.

Chatons Orphelins Montréal

Each day, she learned to trust a bit more and worry a little less. She was easily startled by sound so the family kept their home quiet at all times and worked out a routine just for her.

"When she was worried, she wouldn't move or leave her hiding spot. She needed a lot of reassurance, but thanks to her foster family and their enormous amount of patience, Thémis finally began to trust."

Chatons Orphelins Montréal

After several months of hard work, Thémis, now all grown up, has come out of her shell and realized that she no longer needs to fight for survival and that her home is a safe haven.

She can walk around confidently with her tail held high and is enjoying her new life as an indoor cat.

Chatons Orphelins Montréal

"She is very gentle and purrs easily especially when she is cuddled. She loves cat trees and will come meowing when she wants to eat," Celine said.

A year after she found her rescuer, Thémis was ready for her next chapter in life -- a forever home.

Chatons Orphelins Montréal

Today, Thémis finally had her dream come true.

She went home with a wonderful family who fell in love with her at first sight.

Chatons Orphelins Montréal

"We've had her for such a long time. She used to have so much fear in her eyes, but now she is happy and has a great future ahead of her."

Chatons Orphelins Montréal

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Related story: Woman Rescues Kitten Sitting on Sidewalk When Others Just Pass Her By - the Kitty Can't Stop Purring

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