7 Kittens Find Kind People to Help Them Thrive After Being Found Abandoned Outside

7 Kittens Find Kind People to Help Them Thrive After Being Found Abandoned Outside


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Seven little kittens found help just in time and their lives were completely turned around.

Kayla @salemfosterkittens

Last month, a former animal shelter employee of Salem Friends of Felines (in Salem, Oregon) found a litter of abandoned kittens outside without a mom. They were in poor shape, had severe upper respiratory infections and desperately needed medical attention.

She brought the litter of seven to the shelter, so they could get cleaned up and cared for right away. With help from the employees and volunteers, the kittens were nursed back to health and ready to be placed in a foster home.

Kayla, a volunteer of Salem Friends of Felines, took them in when her current fosters were old enough for adoption. She provided a cozy space for the kittens and a warm bed to snuggle in.

"They were 4.5-5 weeks old. The torties are girls and the orange tabbies are boys," Kayla shared with Love Meow.

Kayla @salemfosterkittens

Kayla named them after the characters in Grease: Danny, Sandy, Frenchie, Rizzo, Kenickie, Putzie, and Sonny.

Some of the kittens quickly came out of their shells, but others were taking their time in the safety of their "cave". Sonny and Frenchie were the shyest of the bunch. They spent a lot of time away from their caretaker for the first few days.

Kayla @salemfosterkittens

The kittens adjusted to their new digs and were pleased with the set-up — warm beds, soft blankets, and a food and water station that is constantly supplied.

"They got a wipe bath then played for a bit. One of the babies climbed on my lap for a few seconds and a few of them were more afraid."

Kayla @salemfosterkittens

Over the next few days, the kittens became more playful and confident. They explored around their space, checked out new toys and even learned to be a lap cat.

This tight-knit bunch stays close together. They play, eat and sleep in a sweet cuddle-puddle.

Kayla @salemfosterkittens

Even the shyest babies can't resist snuggles with their foster mom, especially when Kayla wraps them in a comfy purrito.

"When I brought them home they wouldn't even come near me, and now they are playing right next to me," Kayla added.

Kayla @salemfosterkittens

The shy little tortie is getting braver each day with cuddle sessions throughout the day.

"We are slowly making progress. Frenchie will now come near me and occasionally even stay on my lap when I pick her up," Kayla shared with Love Meow.

When one kitten goes to get a snack from the food bowl, the rest of the litter follow suit, trickling down to the food station from their comfy beds.

"If one baby decides to eat, they all have to eat," Kayla said.

Kayla @salemfosterkittens

These sweet kittens are natural keyboard cats. As soon as Kayla puts a laptop down, a little ball of fluff hops right on as if to offer a helping paw.

Kayla @salemfosterkittens

These adorable seven are thriving in their foster home. In a few weeks, they will be ready for their next chapter in life - forever homes!

Kayla @salemfosterkittens

Share this story with your friends. Follow updates on these kittens and Kayla's fosters on Instagram.

Related story: Stray Kitten with Fighting Spirit Finds Kindest People to Help Her Thrive

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