Kittens Regain Eye Sight After Getting Help From A  Big Doggy Donor and Rescuers...

Kittens Regain Eye Sight After Getting Help From A Big Doggy Donor and Rescuers...


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A litter of feral kittens were saved just in time after they had lived in the elements all their lives.

"These angels were born on the street to a feral mum cat, they were exposed to the cold, rain, disease and parasites that their poor mum could not protect them from."

Rescue Me Animal Sanctuary

On October 11, four little kittens were taken into Rescue Me Animal Sanctuary, a rescue group in Merseyside, England. They were so weak that they wouldn't have survived one more day in the wild.

"Their mum had given birth to them under a shed, she has now been spayed," Rescue Me Animal Sanctuary told Love Meow.

Their flu had spread to their lungs and caused pneumonia. Their eyes were so severely infected that they could hardly see. "These pictures do not even show the true extent of their eye problems: the tics and fleas crawling all over them as they slowly died off after their treatments and the sounds they were making simply trying to breathe."

Rescue Me Animal Sanctuary

The little girl kitten sadly didn't make it, but her brothers were fighting hard to get better. "They had fleas like I have never seen (work in a vet's and done rescue for 15 years) ticks, flu, eye ulcers, conjunctivitis, starving, dehydrated and anemia," Heather, foster mom, told Love Meow.

One of the kitties' left eye had stopped responding to conventional eye drops. The vet suggested getting a canine blood donor to help the kitty with his eye.

Rescue Me Animal Sanctuary

"We needed a dog blood donor to spin the blood down and make serum to use as drops. We use dogs' blood to reduce the risks of species specific viruses, etc," Heather said.

"Ideally you would use the animal's own blood but clearly that's not an option with these little ones."

Rescue Me Animal Sanctuary

Harlie the Great Dane and her owner Jess responded to the rescue's appeal for little Zephyr.

Special eye drops were made and soon they saw improvement in his eye.

Rescue Me Animal Sanctuary

"Zephyr's eye suddenly started to respond to the special serum drops so we are quietly optimistic he may get to save it after all."

Rescue Me Animal Sanctuary

"10 days of TLC, nursing, and medication has paid off."

Little Zouse can see now with his gorgeous bright eyes!

Rescue Me Animal Sanctuary

Their eyes have cleared up and they can breathe so much better. The little ones are more playful and energetic than ever.

"Zee, Zephyr and Zouse are all doing really well and coming on in leaps and bounds."

Rescue Me Animal Sanctuary

What an amazing transformation in just a few weeks!

Rescue Me Animal Sanctuary

Look at that face and those beautiful eyes!

Rescue Me Animal Sanctuary

Share this story with your friends. If you would like to support their rescue efforts, click here to see how you can help. Follow these kitties and Rescue Me Animal Sanctuary on Facebook.

Related story: Special Cat Who Can't See Very Well, Feels Love and Can't Get Enough of It

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