Coast Guard Brings Drowning Kitten Back to Life with Mouth to Mouth CPR

Coast Guard Brings Drowning Kitten Back to Life with Mouth to Mouth CPR


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Italian coastguards rescued a drowning kitten and brought him back to life with mouth to mouth resuscitation.

Photo: Guardia Costiera

At around 1PM in Sicily coastal area, some children spotted a tiny kitten floating in the waters in the port town of Marsala.

According the Guardia Costiera, the kitten was motionless, seemingly lifeless. One of the crew members immediately dived into the sea to retrieve the kitten. Once he got the tiny feline on board, his colleagues began to give the kitten chest compression and mouth-to-mouth resuscitation that they were trained to perform normally on humans, in hopes to revive the little kitten.

Photo: Guardia Costiera

After a few minutes, they spotted a sign of life. The kitten, no more than a month old, expelled the water through his mouth and let out a tiny meow.

They cheered in joy and excitement when they saw the kitten breathe again.

Watch the full video of the rescue here:

The kitten was later transported to the office where he was dried and comforted. After a visit to the vet, the kitten was nursed back to health.

Photo: Guardia Costiera

The port authorities were so touched by what happened they decided to adopt the little miracle kitten and named him Charlie.

Photo: Guardia Costiera

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