Little Rescue Tortie, Captain

Little Rescue Tortie, Captain


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Lauren M and her family spotted five teeny kittens hiding underneath their house in between the floorboards and the insulation. Zach went under the house to retrieve the kittens while everyone else was anxiously waiting.

When he came back up with the kittens, they saw five fuzzy squirmy ones and one of them was an adorable Tortoiseshell. They named her Captain. After they got the kittens safely out, they went to find the cat mother.

Captain is the only tortie in her litter. Immediately she stole everyone's heart. While the family was trying to find homes for all the kitties, they couldn't let go of their little tortie girl. "My family ended up keeping Captain," said Lauren. Today Captain is a beautiful tortie cat, very loved and spoiled at her forever loving home.

Thanks ©Lauren Marek for the lovely photos and story. (flickr: Laurenmarek)

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